September 7, 2024

Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for September 7, 2024 Meeting 




Cindy and Rick Aaser; Bryan Ennen; Steve Johnston; Twila Mathena; Dallas Quamme; Ashley Severyn; and Rachael Weigel…Matt Weigel by phone


The meeting was called to order at Fahlgren Park at 6:58 p.m. with 8 present.


The minutes from the June 22, 2024 meeting were read.

Motion by Dallas. 2nd by Rick. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $ 1,965.57 and $29 cash

Motion by Dallas. 2nd by Ashley. Approved.


Old Business

Family Day in Moffit had a good turnout. John started the bike race in Dykeshorn Park with his muzzleloader before joining Earl and Dallas in Moffit. Lots of kids and parents were interested in muzzleloader shooting.


August 17th at Buckstop Junction- Steve was the only one from our group to attend. He tried to do our fundraiser. We only made $30. They would like to have us again next year


Keep in mind doing a black powder preorder. Think about what you might need or want. Matt is checking with the dealer for pricing.


Lowes can’t give us a donation for our fundraiser at this time. We need to speak with their new manager.


Runnings donated a hard case for our fundraiser.


New Business

Dues are due. Make sure to get a check to Cindy or bring it to the next meeting.


We need to start thinking of dates for Spring and Summer camps with shoots. We also need to figure out a date for our Winter shoot. Weather permitting as usual. All dates will be discussed at the next meeting.


We were to vote on new officers, but with only 8 in attendance that made it difficult to even have any nominations. Rick made a motion for the officers to remain. 2nd by Dallas. Approved


Bryan said he didn’t want to continue as vice president. Ashley was then nominated. 2nd by Dallas. Approved


Matt brought up that we should try to set up a way to help our new muzzleloaders. Sell or share any supplies we have in surplus. During this discussion, it was decided that I would add a page to the website with reference material and links for new members or people interested in joining.


The next meeting will be held on October 14th with the location still to be determined.


December’s Meeting and Christmas Party will be on a Saturday so that if people want to stay later for a drink they won’t feel rushed or like they have to get home for work the next day. Steve is going to start looking for a place.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.

Motion by Bryan. 2nd by Dallas. Approved.

June 22, 2024

Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for June 22, 2024 Meeting 





Dallas Quamme; Matt Weigel; Steve Johnston; Twila Mathena; Bryan, Laura, and Amber Ennen; John Horner; Denis Turpin; and Daniel Anderson


The meeting was called to order at Fahlgren Park at 6:58 p.m. with 10 present.


The minutes from the May 18, 2024 meeting were read.

Motion by Dallas. 2nd by Bryan. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $ 1,370.57 and $29 cash

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Dallas. Approved.


Old Business

Twila is still working on stickers and decals.  Check with Signs by Jan for pricing. 

Car decals: 3” x 5” is the size everyone agreed on.


Was not able to talk to John about the etching on mugs.


Steve passed out flyers and business cards at the fathers day show at buckstop junction.


August 17 they want the demonstration at Buckstop junction with maybe a tent set up and a fundraiser. Acme tools and Lowes are willing to help with donations. We need volunteers to help grt donations for the silent auction at Buckstop Junction.


Family Day July 13 at Moffit--we need volunteers to help out.


Steve hasn’t put his name on the account yet since Dallas is on the account with Cindy. It was decided that we would leave it that way.


The shoot had a good turnout. 10 people participated. There were some spectarors from Mandan and South Dakota.


New Business

Upcoming Family Day at Moffit. Need volunteers for muzzleloader. Contact Dallas or Rachael if able to help out.


Next camp and shoot will be Fahlgren prk July 19 thru 21, 2024 with a potluck and meeting on July 20.


Need volunteers for the August 17th Buckstop Junction demonstration.


Next year looking at making a black powder preorder. Decide what everyone wants/needs.


Steve will stop at the bank to see what we need to do to get him added.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Motion by Twila. 2nd by Amber. Approved.




May 18, 2024


Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for May 18, 2024 Meeting 


Dallas Quamme; Matt, Michele, and Rachael Weigel; Steve Johnston; Twila Mathena; Sam Ennen; John Horner; Mark Scott; and Paul Ellenbecker


The meeting was called to order at Fahlgren Park at 7:10 p.m. with 10 present. Bryan was Facetimed and gave Sam his proxy for the evening so that we would have enough officers. 


The minutes from the April 8, 2024 meeting were read.

Motion by Dallas. 2nd by Matt. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $ 1,370.57 and $29 cash

Motion by Sam. 2nd by Twila. Approved.


Old Business

Twila is still working on stickers and decals.


John didn’t have a chance to check into the etching.


Steve set up a small table with our info at Buck Stop. Everyone there is excited to have us come and give a demonstration in August on the 17th. Buck Stop is willing to let us set up anytime they have something going on.


Steve hasn’t been able to get back in touch with Lowes.


Family Day at Moffit--muzzleloaders will attend if they are able.


The camp had a good turnout. People from Belgium came out and took pictures


New Business

Welcome Mark Scott and Paul Ellenbecker.


It was brought up that the President should be added to the bank account. Most clubs typically have at least one other on their accounts so that things can be purchased for the club when necessary.

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Paul. Approved


The two signers should have a debit card for the account so people don’t have to use their personal credit cards.


Steve is going to stop at the bank to see what we need to do to get him added.


It was discussed that every August a group gets together to go through the account to make sure everything is correct. A group of neutral parties will either volunteer or be appointed by the President.

Motion by Twila. 2nd by Matt. Approved.


Father’s Day at Buck Stop set up a table if possible.


The next meeting will be held on June 22nd at Fahlgren Park during the campout. Potluck with the meeting to follow.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Sam. Approved.



April 8, 2024

Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for April 8, 2024 Meeting 


Dallas Quamme; Matt and Rachael Weigel; Steve Johnston; Twila Mathena; Earl and Mary Hirchert; Bryan and Laura Ennen; John Horner; Dave Luger


The meeting was called to order at Dickey’s at 6:59 p.m. with 11 present.


The minutes from the March 11, 2024 meeting were read.

Motion by Dallas. 2nd by Mary. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $ 2,291.57 and $29 cash

Motion by Earl. 2nd by Dallas. Approved.


Old Business

Dana emailed to confirm our dates

May 17, 18, and 19, 2024

June 21, 22, and 23, 2024

July 19, 20, and 21, 2024

September 6, 7, and 8, 2024


Website was completed and published. We’ve gotten 207 visitors with 238 sessions and 3hrs of view time per session.



New Business

Twila is working on decals. 2 options were proposed. Twila will bring in some sticker options to our next meeting.


John knows someone who can do etching on mugs or cups. He will check into it.


I created flyer options for our upcoming Rendezvous. The group decided on one.


I will redesign the flyer so all the information is on one side. I will also redesign the business card to add the website and Steve’s phone number. We will remove Rick as he hasn’t been to a meeting in quite some time.

Twila motioned. 2nd Earl. Approved.


Buckstop Junction offered us a free table for fundraising and asked if we would put on a demonstration at the August show. Put the dates in the newsletter so people can make arrangements to come out.


Steve talked to Lowes about a silent auction donation.


Washburn American Legion is willing to donate to us we just have to write up a letter telling them what we would use it for. John said to say insurance and education materials.


Family Day at the Moffit range on July 13 would like the Muzzleloaders to attend.


Minot Family Day is June 8. Earl will be there. Bryan might be there.


Our next meeting will be at Falgren Park on May 18, 2024

Motion for meeting to be adjourned.

Motion by Twila. 2nd by Laura. Approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.




March 11, 2024

Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for March 11, 2024 Meeting 



Dallas Quamme; Matt and Rachael Weigel; Steve Johnston; Twilla Mathena; Bryan, Laura, and Sam Ennen; Dennis Turpin; John Horner; Ashley and Colter Severyn


The meeting was called to order at Lucky’s 13 at 6:59 p.m. with 12 present.


Twilla read the minutes from the February 12, 2024 meeting.

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Dallas. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $ 2,241.57 and $29 cash

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Bryan. Approved.


Old Business

Steve talked to Fort Mandan. We can put all the dates we would like on one form rather than do multiple forms. Steve read an email from the Fort thanking him for stopping in and saying they are willing to put up our flyers


The Eagles in Mandan have no space for a silent auction. However, Steve and Twilla will be doing another vendors show at Buckstop Junction. They are willing to set up a display for us.

The dates are:

May 11 and 12, 2024

June 15 and 16, 2024

August 17 and 18, 2024


John is willing to donate a laptop for us to play a video from our events. Bryan is willing to update the laptop.


New Business

Jake from Minot has a table for us if we want it at the Minot Gun Show on March 23 and 24

Volunteers for the table

Bryan and Laura could do Saturday

Steve and Twilla could do Sunday


Bryan knows a person who is interested in joining our club.


Steve said the owner of the Cabin is also interested in joining.


Bryan also knows a family that is interested in joining.


June 1,2024 River Days in Washburn is having its parade. They are willing to let us walk or have a float in the parade.


Consider making an amendment to bypass the two-year clause for holding office while we are a small group.


Upcoming shoots with camps weather permitting.

May 17, 18, and 19, 2024

June 21, 22, and 23, 2024

July 19, 20, and 21, 2024

September 6, 7, and 8, 2024

Motion made by Twilla to have our monthly meetings during the shoots. 2nd by Ashley. Approved.


Dallas asked if the Dakota Territories Grant was included in the treasurer’s report. With looking back through emails from Cindy it was determined yes the Grant was included.


One of my recent posts to Facebook was pulled due to guideline issues. I started designing a website for us to use so we don’t have to worry as much about guideline issues in the future. I asked if everyone wanted me to finish it up and get it published. Motion by Twilla. 2nd by Laura. Approved.


Our next meeting will be at Dickey’s  April 8, 2024

Motion for meeting to be adjourned

Motion by Bryan. 2nd by Matt. Approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


February 12, 2024

 Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for February 12, 2024 Meeting 


Dallas Quamme; Rachael Weigel; Steve Johnston; Twilla Mathena; Bryan Ennen; Earl and Mary Hirchert; John Horner; Ashley, Megan, and Colter Severyn


The meeting was called to order at A&B North at 6:59 p.m. with 11 present.


Minutes from the January 8, 2024 meeting were read.

Motion by Earl. 2nd by Dallas. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  Cindy deposited $718 from dues and the silent auction. The account balance is $1,681.57 and $29 cash. The insurance comes due in March. Game and Fish Grant is due in April or May. She is going to pay the minimum on the insurance and then the remainder when the grant comes in.

Motion by Bryan. 2nd by Laura. Approved.


Old Business

Steve still needs to have a chance to Fort Mandan to see what their availability is for us to camp. He will make it over this week


We brought in $588 at the Silent Auction. $13 was taken out for stamps to send thank you cards to those who donated. We made a profit of $575.


Steve sent out Thank you cards for those who donated.


Earl would like to have a spring shoot. The first part of May. Not the first weekend of May.



New Business

In the next newsletter we should have a listing of each officer and their responsibilities.

Motion to make copies of the bylaws for everyone.

Motion by Earl. 2nd by Twila. Approved.


If there is anything that should be included in the newsletter I need that information before each meeting so that it can be included.


Steve talked to 4H about coming to one of our shoots. The kids and parents were excited about coming out.


4H camp ground is available to us as a secondary location if fort mandan isn’t available.


Mandan Eagles is having a craft and vendor show. $25 for a table to setup another silent auction. Some one else to try to get donations. March 16:  9a.m.-3p.m.

Motion by John. 2nd by Earl. Aproved.


Take a video at the next shoot to play during the gun shows. Suggested by Ashley our newest member.


Possible news article in the Leader News and in the Extra. See if one of the editors can attend one of the meetings and come out for a shoot.


The next meeting will be at Lucky 13’s on March 11, 2024.


Motion for meeting to be adjourned

Motion by Earl. 2nd by Laura


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


January 8, 2024

Missouri River Muzzleloaders

Minutes for January 8, 2024 Meeting 





Dallas Quamme; Matt and Rachael Weigel; Steve and Twilla Johnston; Bryan, Sam,, Sam, and Amber Ennen; Jacob Moch; Earl Hirchert


The meeting was called to order at Luckey’s 13 at 7:00 p.m. with 10 present.


Minutes from the December 11, 2023 meeting were read.

Motion by Earl. 2nd by Matt. Approved.


Cindy’s treasurer's report:  $973.51 in the account and $29 cash. 

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Earl. Approved.


Old Business

Set a minimum bid for the Silent auction

Steve, Bryan, and Amber are going to be there for set-up

Twila is going to make blank silent auction sheets


Silent Auction Donations:

Lucky13’s donated 2 gift cards

Dennis donated a knife

Bryan is making a bag for the inline

Double H donated an inline

Twilla is donating some things

Steve is donating some things

Amber might make something


Boy Scouts would be willing to attend a summer or fall shoot and might also camp with us.


Earl is willing to host a shoot at his place.

We need to have a camp date as well as a backup date for weather issues.


Summer shoots at our meetings if we can get together at Fort Mandan or Center


New Business

Earl is going to attend the June 8th Minot Family Day. He will let the rest of the group know when so we can have more people go.


Steve is going to talk to Fort Mandan to see what their availability is for us to camp


The next meeting will be at A&B North on February 12, 2024.


Motion for meeting to be adjourned

Motion by Matt. 2nd by Rachael


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

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